A vision is one's ability to project our thoughts into the future with positive expectation while totally ignoring its viability and the ability to find a purpose that's larger than life.
All successful people are visionaries. When they speak, they speak little about the current issues, but more importantly they tell you to "look at the big picture". Like an Everest climber's constant obsession of the peak that lets him forget the temporary pain for the bigger (or higher) pleasure! It's even in the bible termed as faith defined as "blessed are those who believe yet have not seen".
A case in point - Donald Trump. Our beloved tough-talking, egomaniacal billionaire speaks about the importance of vision in the introduction of Trump University's latest book Entrepreneurship 101."In 1974, I looked at the old Commodore Hotel, next to Grand Central Station in New York City. I did not see a huge, dilapidated nearly empty building in a seedy neighborhood. I did not see a bankrupt city or the New York real estate market, struggling to survive. I saw a magnificent first-class convention hotel complex - grandiose, luxurious, and noteworthy. I was a young man of 27, and my vision felt rightsized."If I had that power, I'd be unstoppable too.
The seemingly unstoppable search giant
I was watching TV recently and there was a documentary about Google. The vision of Google and their founders was that one day the world of technology would need nothing more than 2 basic elements to fufill their everyday needs - an internet connection and their browser. Affirmative, no more programs, no more installations, no more CDs. Today, those that would have ridiculed the idea a mere 5 years ago, would stand corrected (and probably poorer) as the concept is being fulfilled more and more everyday.
One thing's as sure as the sunrise - Every entrepreneur that has ever made it would attest that they went through an inevitable period of both internal and external ridicule. When an entrepreneur's takes his bold step out of his comfort zone - even if it began in the mind - his/her ability to use his vision to "push through" is the ultimate test.
MDH uber-recommended.
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